Procedure & Treatment Unit (PTU) & Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU)

About Our Unit
Thank you for entrusting us with your or your loved one’s care. Our unit provides care and support for post-procedure/post-operative patients and those requiring extended or overnight recovery. The goal of the Santa Monica UCLA PTU/PACU is to provide excellent, patient and family-centered care that is equitable and inclusive.
Our multidisciplinary team includes surgeons/proceduralists, anesthesiologists, certified nurse anesthetists, registered nurses, administrative assistants, care partners, respiratory and physical/occupational therapists, clinical social workers, pharmacists, and case managers who collaborate with patients and families to achieve optimal patient outcomes.
Pre-Admission Procedure
- If you have not been contacted by a nurse from our Preoperative Evaluation Center (PEC), please call 310-319-4742 on the business day before your surgery to receive preoperative instructions and answer any questions you may have regarding your surgery, including what time to arrive.
- Please use the main entrance, located on 16th Street when arriving. Valet parking is available (cash or check). The information desk will check you in and guide you to the admissions department. Our admissions department is on the ground level in Suite G314. The hospital address is 1250 16th Street in Santa Monica, half a block south of Wilshire Blvd. Please bring your photo ID and health insurance information with you.
- When the admissions process is complete, you will take the central elevators to the 3rd floor, where you will check in with the Surgical Lounge. Our staff in the Surgical Lounge is here to assist you and your family throughout your procedure. A private tracking number will be provided to follow your progression of care.
Personal Items & Valuables
- Leave all valuables, such as jewelry (including rings and watches), large amounts of cash and credit cards at home. If you are staying in the hospital after your surgery, prepare a bag with only personal items you may need for recovery or discharge.
- Since we are unable to replace lost or misplaced personal items, we recommend that you bring only essential items to the hospital.
- If you are staying in the hospital personal hygiene items will be available for you; however, you are welcome to bring your own deodorant, toothbrush, shampoo, etc.
Day of Surgery

Visitor Policy and Procedure
- Please designate a primary contact person to whom we can provide updates about your condition. All information will be directed to this contact person during your hospital stay.
- During your procedure, your family and friends may wait in the Surgical Lounge. This waiting area has televisions, magazines, and a monitor to track your progression of care.
- Artificial flowers, cards, non-latex balloons, and personal photos are always welcome. To control infections, fresh flowers and plants are not allowed in the PTU/PACU and TRU.
- Wireless internet access is available for patients and visitors.
- You may use your cell phone inside the patient’s room or outside the unit. Please do not use cell phones in the unit hallways. Cameras and cell phone photography are not allowed in the PTU/PACU and TRU.
- Please see the latest masking guidelines here.
Pre-Operative Area
- Two healthy visitors are allowed at a time in the Pre-Operative Area.
- Two caregivers/parents are allowed at the bedside for pediatric patients.
- Visitors for patients with special needs will be determined on a case-to-case basis.
Recovery (Post Anesthesia Care Unit)
- Two healthy visitors are allowed at a time in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU).
- Two caregivers/parents are allowed at the bedside for pediatric patients.
- Visitations are at the discretion of the primary (assigned) nurse *based on the patient’s stability and the activity within the unit.
- Communication must occur prior to visitors coming to PACU. This is initiated by the surgical waiting room staff. If the surgical waiting room is closed, visitors must check in with Security at the information desk.
- Visitors for patients with special needs will be determined on a case-to-case basis.
TRU (Transitional Recovery Unit- Extended Recovery)
- Due to limited space in the TRU, 2 healthy visitors are allowed, and 1 is allowed to stay overnight.
- Due to patient care or clinical needs you may be asked to step out for privacy.
Hospital Parking
- Valet service is available at our main entrance (1250 16th Street) on weekdays, Monday-Friday, 24 hours a day. (Please note, cash, or check only). As of July 2023, the rate for the valet service is $15.00.
- Parking Garages are available on 15th and 16th street. Detailed parking information, including rates, can be found at .
Pre-Operative Process
- On the morning of your surgery, you will meet the nursing team, your anesthesiologist and, the surgical team in the Pre-Operative Area. Be sure to notify your care team of any concerns or changes to your medical history.
- A member of the nursing team will check your name, date of birth, admission status, and take your vital signs, to prepare you for your surgery or procedure. They will talk to you about safety, preventing surgical site infections, pain, and nausea.
After Your Surgery/Procedure
Your Post-Operative Recovery
- After your surgery or procedure, you will be moved to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) where nurses will oversee your immediate care and comfort.
- To provide the best postoperative care following your surgery, we must limit visitor access to the PACU. Our staff will keep your designated contact person informed about how long you are expected to be in the PACU and will provide discharge information and instructions if you are scheduled to go home on the day of surgery.
- If your surgery is outpatient, you will be returning home the day of your surgery. If your procedure is inpatient/ overnight recovery, you will be staying in our hospital.
Post-Operative Transportation
- When you are ready, we will take you by wheelchair to meet your ride home.
- For all outpatients, we require that you have a responsible adult available to accompany you home at discharge. Transportation should be arranged prior to your date of surgery. We recommend a family member or friend be with you for 24 hours following your surgery.
If You are Admitted to the Hospital
- If you are admitted to the hospital after your surgery, we will move you from the Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) to a designated room where your care will be continued.
- If you are staying overnight, you may be staying in our Transitional Recovery Unit (TRU), located within the PTU/PACU.
We are looking forward to working with you and your loved ones throughout your stay.
Quick Reference Guide
- Pre-Operative Evaluation Center: 310-319-4742
- PTU/PACU (Pre-Op): 424-259-9352
- Hospital and Patient Information: 424-259-6000
- Admissions Office: 424-259-6727
- After Hours: 424-259-8400
Our Team
Unit Director
Francis Saint Clair, MSN, RN, CNL, NE-BC, CCRN-K, SCRN
Clinical Nurse Managers
Cresilda Newsom, DNP, RN, CPAN
Monica Pavon, MSN, RN, CCRN
On-Duty Charge Nurse
Santa Monica UCLA PTU/PACU